About Art Bierschbach

BtenConsulting, LLC

Art is the Principal Consultant with BtenConsulting, LLC. Art’s passion is to help companies achieve better business results by improving a company’s leadership, helping a company grow their top line with new products and services, and improve processes. Art is an international business coach and consultant in the areas of leadership, management, marketing, sales, operations, and finance.

In January, 2014, Art stood up BtenConsulting, now BtenConsulting, LLC. Art has helped companies improve processes and coached business leaders and supervisors to improve business performance. In August, 2016, Art was certified by the John Maxwell Team as a coach, speaker, and trainer.

Art’s government experience includes 23 years in the Air Force following graduation from the Air Force Academy. During that time, he served as a fighter pilot in the F-111 and an instructor pilot in the T-37. When not flying, Art served as a NATO staff officer, a Program Element Monitor at the Pentagon, and a program manager on the Joint Strike Fighter program.
Following his Air Force career, Art joined Raytheon, a Department of Defense contractor, as a program manager in Technical Services’ (RTSC) Engineering and Production Support division in Indianapolis, Indiana. He entered Raytheon’s Lean Six Sigma training in 2003, and was certified as a Black Belt in March of 2004. Art was also a lead instructor for the Program Performance Practitioner Track, part of the Black Belt curriculum. He achieved ASQ Black Belt certification in 2006, and certified as a Master Black Belt in 2009 with Education Connection Solutions, LLC. As a Raytheon Lean Six Sigma Expert, Art led several projects with customers and other Raytheon divisions, earning the RTSC President’s award in 2006.
In January 2007, Art transferred to Raytheon Aircraft, which became Hawker Beechcraft, as Performance Excellence lead, where he reduced manufacturing hours and improved quality on several product lines. He has also developed and conducted Six Sigma training for Hawker Beechcraft on process improvement, driving change in the organization, and root cause corrective action. In 2009, Art accepted a position with the nonprofit Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) to help small and medium manufacturers achieve improved business results. He developed the Leadership Development program for MAMTC. Developing improved leaders for companies has led to improved revenue, increased employee retention, and improved business performance for a number of clients.

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